Sessione Implementing bots and Alexa skills with Azure Cognitive Services and the Microsoft Bot Framework - Meetup UGIdotNET @ Ignite Tour - UGIdotNET
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Implementing bots and Alexa skills with Azure Cognitive Services and the Microsoft Bot Framework

(Managed Designs), (Improove)
Lingua: Italiano
Orario: 10:50  -  11:50

Thanks to the recently released v4 of the Bot Framework SDK, creating your first bot is a breeze; still, implementing a production viable one is no easy task since several aspects must be taken into account such as user authentication, integration within existing apps, multi language support, technical considerations (e.g.: Azure Functions vs. Web Apps, Blob Storage vs. CosmosDB) and, last but not least, operational costs.

Moreover, you might want to reuse your bot’s Azure hosted, Cognitive Services-backed code to address Amazon’s Alexa users to avoid the need to implement (and evolve) it twice.

Eager to learn how to do that for real? Don’t miss this code-based talk then.